Having trouble finding comparative long term studies or clinical trials regarding dental implant quality? Agreed, not the most sought after or interesting ’search’! But it does beg the question: where can I find it?
Here at Dentalinc we can’t find too much patient friendly information either. Why not? We have some theories – one of them, there isn’t any!
Fairly new implant brands haven’t been around long enough to take part in long term trials – at least 10 years or so. Those brands that have been around long enough may not want patients to know about the long term performance, especially if compared to other brands. After all most consumer goods always look good and perform well at first, but then after 3 years or so what happens? The cheaper quality ones tend to start breaking down, slowing down, parts need replacing or simply just stop working. Dental implants are pretty similar. Yes, we can all get carried away at some of the competitive prices we see but there must be a reason why some implants are cheaper.
Performance wise, cheaper ’value’ brands on the whole cannot stand up against the quality brands in terms of performance over time and what little evidence there is does suggest this.
See our files section for a selection of long term clinical study conclusions.
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